I’ve been getting a lot of people asking recently when the next Space Team book is coming out, and why I went from writing a new book every two months to not writing any in three years.
The honest answer is that I’ve turned to a life of crime. Not literally obviously – I wouldn’t be admitting that to you here in writing – but I’ve been moonlighting as Scottish crime fiction author, JD Kirk.
Obviously, comedy science-fiction and Scottish crime fiction are quite different genres, but there’s a lot of similarities between both series of books. They are, ultimately, about a dysfunctional group of people who find themselves thrown together, and gradually become a little sort of family. Only, instead of aliens and spaceships, it’s got serial killers and child abduction.
If you want to check out the books, find out more at jdkirk.com or follow JD Kirk on Twitter.
Hi Barry, I’m loving all your stuff and have just finished the Space Team books. That only leaves the Dan Deadman books in your sci-fi genre.
I thoroughly enjoyed the series and am looking forward to reading about Dan.
I’ve turned back to catching up with Jack and the team and have just started City of Scars.
I enjoy both styles and really couldn’t choose between the two.
Please don’t shelve Cal and the gang, we would all love to find out what has happened to the group in the time – well space time I between then and now.
Could you please let us the readers and followers of Captain Carver and team know wether there is hope for further adventures – or should we abandon all hope?
Keep up the great stuff – and thanks for your time in reading my ramblings.
Does your turn to a life of crime mean that there WON’T be any more Space Team or Dan Deadman books? Or will we still see more adventures…make that “space” adventures sometime soon? Big fan of Jack and the gang as well by the way
So, does this mean you are done with the Space Team, or do you think you’ll return to that series in the future?
As much as I loved the space team books I’m giving up on them. They seem to be over for good, and frankly I’m tired of checking back and being disappointed. It was a good run, thanks for the entertainment. There are other authors and other books that need discovering!
I’m excited to discover this new genre of books you’ve written, but the question remains, what about Space Team?! I have totally fallen in love with the misadventures of this affable family of misfits and have been slaving through other series waiting for the day that book 13 arrives. Please tell me it will be soon or it’s at least in the works?
Unacceptable…you get back here this instant, and write a proper Space Team Epic! Some of us *sniffle* are having serious withdrawal. It’s your duty!
I died for over 8 minutes which cause serious brain damage and now reading has become quite difficult. I am still suffering from a drawn-out illness that is destroying one part of my body after another My days are long and boring I can not tell you the joy I receive from the audiobooks read by Phil Thron. I think while listening to the books of Barry J. Hutchison is the only time I experience unfiltered joy, as my laughter washes away the knowledge of my own illness. I can’t thank all involved enough. They also make wonderful companions during long hospital stays. Truly I thank you for the adventures and escapes from reality you’ve given me.
Hello Mr. Hutchison, I see your post about moonlighting as Scottish crime fiction author. Good on you with the new series, it looks like it is going very well! As a fan of Sci-Fi shenanigan’s, though, I noticed your didn’t really answer the question if Space Team 13 will be coming out or is Space Team over? Not really upset either way, but just want to know if I should hold out hope for a new book or not.
Thanks in advance for any insight!
Although I’m missing space team, your DCI Logan books are fantastic. I Startes the first Robert Hoon book yesterday and I’m loving it.
Kroysh! You wrote 20 books for that series since the last Space Team saga? Barry, you bampston, we need to know what Cal has done now to wreck the galaxy.
Any update on the next space team book? Like a junky I need my fix hahahaha.
Hi Mr. Hutchinson,
I’ve never written to a writer before, let alone a writer who’s managed to span such disparate genres as detective fiction and sci-fi humor, but I given this handy text box I suddenly felt urge to shoot you an email (then pretend it never happened in case you don’t reply, if only for my ego’s sake.)
I’ve really enjoyed both series, though if I am to be cruelly honest, crime novels are a dime a dozen while humor on Adams’ level is about as rare as my one-night stands. I suppose what I want to say is that I’ve really enjoyed your work, and while it is of course your prerogative to write whatever you enjoy writing most, I truly do hope you give us a farewell wrap-up Space Team novel or novella with whatever spare parts you wrote for All the President’s Space Men that stick together in a cohesive story. There are so few books that actually made me laugh out loud, that it is out of pure selfishness I hope you return to the series in one way or another and make sure moms keep their kids far far away from that weirdo who keeps laughing for no apparent reason (man I love wireless earbuds)
Thank you for all the laughs (and a bit less of a thank you for the nightmares.) Hope all is well with you and your family – I wish you all the very best
Yours sincerely,
Jakub Bartkowiak