The Night Before Kroyshuk

The Night Before Kroyshuk

The last few weeks have been pretty rough, thanks to a close relative upping and dying on us (the fourth to do so in the past 12 months.) I was in a bit of a slump when I logged into the Team Space Team Facebook group and was met with a post from Space Team superfan,...
Join the Tommy Donbavand Blog Tour

Join the Tommy Donbavand Blog Tour

Let me state one thing very clearly up front: I owe my writing career to Tommy Donbavand. Tommy and I first ‘met’ nigh-on two decades ago. We were both members of, a writing website run by one Mr Francis Ford Coppola. We ended up swapping...
An Experiment in Self-Publishing

An Experiment in Self-Publishing

First of all, let me introduce myself. For the past six years or so, I’ve been writing books for children, kids TV shows and comics under the name Barry Hutchison. My books have been produced by publishers such as Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Little...